The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty. Let all the earth ReJoiCe! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Queen's University at Kingston! :)

Darn. It seems my blog is really boring and not at all very smart because I've hardly talked about anything except blandly narrated what's been going on in my life, and just putting captions for pictures!! Hmmm. Hope to change that a little when I get the inspiraiton. But for now, since it's the first day of REAL school, more pictures! Ha!

This is a picture of the John-Deutsch University Centre, fondly known as the JDUC (pronnounced jay-duck). The Canadians seem to shorten everything really cool-ly...Like the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is pronnounced you-hip. Ha. Cool huh? :)

Just thought this is a pretty nice shot, especially with the pretty tree. In the back back ground, a rather interesting looking building is the Stauffer Library. It's huge.

I can't believe I'm actually in Queen's. The 2 above are one of those shots like from the movies, but I'm actually here. I can't quite believe that still.

OK, moving off campus, across Princess Street, the busiest street in Kingston, a very long long stretch, but only part of it I have to walk thru to get home...Look at the picture below for a pretty nice picture of Princess Street, with the lights and stuff...

Yup, so that's it for this round of photos. I still have a photo of the outside of my house that I want to put up. Maybe when my entire house is done with renovations and I can take pictures all over the house. :) Oh, oh oh!! By the way, I saw a FAT RACOOOOON outside my house just now! But my camera was not doing too well in the dark, so I didn't manage to get a photo!! But I saw a REAL racooon!! So cool! :)


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