The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty. Let all the earth ReJoiCe! :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

In His Presence.

Yes, truly, in His presence is great joy. Easter Sunday. I often go through the motions of those special days, what a friend once termed the GCE --> Good Friday, Christmas, Easter. As much as I try to remind myself of the significance of each one, sometimes humanly, I just can't bring myself to set myself in the 'right mood'.

But I suppose God is a faithful God. This week has hit some dry spots here and there though there have been some amazing things that have happened. Yet, the dry spots always hit the hardest I guess.

So, coming to church this morning was a daze. (Literally, because I fell asleep on the bus and woke up AT the stop I was supposed to stop at, to see the door open. My brain took a while to figure that was my stop. It took a longer while to awake because I was in a dizzy state walking into church. Was probably not walking in a straight line.)

Anyway, what a sideline. Basically, I didn't expect much out of service today, because of the mood I had been in and was in. But there's no stopping the presence of God.

I shall narrate sequentially lest I forget the details. So here goes: Service started with worship, with songs like 'Crown Him With Many Crowns' and 'Celebrate Jesus Celebrate' and these were just songs that reminded me of my primary school days, yet like my current MSN nick - "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty...", God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Today, He is still crowned Lord of my life. And yes, Jesus has conquered the grave, so we celebrate, each and every day of our lives! There was an amazing sense of joy in my heart. Indeed, if Jesus had not risen, we'd be living in the greatest lie and would be the greatest fools. But no, we are children of the risen Saviour! Hallelujah!

After worship was testimony time. Before I go on, a little background information about myself. People who know me are sometimes amazed at the fact that I show so little emotion on the surface. (Though what rages in my heart......) For example, I'm not one of those bawling girls you see at tragic-love-story-movies.

So, I know that one way I feel God's presence really strongly is when He starts to minister so sweetly into my heart that the streams of living water (hahahaha) start to flow from my heart. And there's no stopping those tears.

Testimony time was WOW. Each and every one brought forth a fresh load of tears because God is truly so faithful. God is so good. He is real. He is alive. We serve a living Saviour. Wow. What can I say. He heals the sick. He protects His children. He even works in the hearts of the littlest ones. A mom was sharing how her daughter told her that when she worships, she feels something stirring in her stomach and this mom says to her little one, "It's the Holy Spirit!" and the daughter knows and wants to share this love with others as well. How innocent. How sweet. God, you love your little children.

Another mom was sharing how she was worried about her little son who had a raging fever and rashes and was afraid it was dengue. She praised God all night long and spent time in His presence and received His assurance. Better than that, God's presence, His light filled her bedroom and baby was healed. Hallelujah.

So many more testimonies of God's faithfulness. Thank you Lord for your reminder. It is not about how I feel. You are there every day. I choose to seek after you, all the days of my life. Continue to be merciful to me, because I might sometimes stumble and fall. But Lord, I will continue to pursue you. You are worth it. Worth every ounce of it.


Blogger Grass Cutter said...

Dear Eunice

This Easter is truly different in many ways. Am sure each of us learnt & experienced more of His great love for one & all.

Aside from that, thought I'd share this too. I've come across these 2 posts. Read on to find out.

Exams for you now? Will pray for you over discipline during revision as well as wisdom from God during this period. Smiles always!

BeL™ †

6:40 AM


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