The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty. Let all the earth ReJoiCe! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Tributes to people far away but close to my heart...

Well, this is the love of my life. Sure it's not easy to have such a long-distance relationship. But it sure is a test of time. 4 months isn't too long, but it's long enough. Thanks for holding on dear. And I'm clinging on, as a pitbull to its prey. (That's my non-emotional side working up. :) ) It's worth it.

Ahhh...My dearest dearest Serene. I think we never tire of taking photographs. But here's another one then I can't remember we took. Thanks for lifting me up in prayer. *Hugs* Love ya girl.

BTW, there is no particular order of who I love most...Haha. But this is Sheeeena!! Thanks for always encouraging me and listening to me. And for taking on the roles I left behind!!! We haven't taken enough photos!!
:( *Hugs* Love ya too...

Serene & Nana...You gals have been fantastic. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for being who you are, for never judging me but just being friends. You gals are awesome.

I love every single one of you. And I thank God so much that He's brought you into my life. I'm not feeling homesick or particularly vulnerable or anything. I just wanted to say how much you all mean to me. Praise the Lord that we have His love binding us! Yay! :)


Blogger The Princess said...

awwww.... WE LOVE U! U'RE SOMEONE SPECIAL TO US!!! THE 3 of US is WAITING for ur grand return. ihave so many things to share with u!!!!

9:14 PM


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