The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty. Let all the earth ReJoiCe! :)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Photos from Chicago.

Due to my dearest aunt's request for the Chicago photos, I've placed online a selected few. We took pleeeeeenty of photos. I guess photographs are the best souvenirs one can get from a place. Yet, as much memory as they contain, some do not do justice to the place itself! :)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year Resolutions

So some people's new year resolutions they faithfully keep, especially if the resolution is to stop making new year resolutions since often they do not come to pass.

I don't quite believe in new year resolutions either, but I carry a lot of excitement into the new year, anticipation of what is to come, and what role I have to play in the new year. I suppose that's new year resoultion enough.

Though 2006 started off very melancholic for me, barely noticing the 10 second count-down at MacDonalds with a close friend, adrenalin cannot stop rushing through my veins each time I think about what God has in store for this year. I may be in a different place as the last half of the year, but He is the same God! The same beautiful God who has created beautiful things.

Yes, Singapore is beautiful as well. I was just sitting at the river front one night and admiring Singapore's skyline. Beautiful. With the Benjamin Shears Bridge in the foreground and the skyline in the back. Wow.

I guess if I were really to think of a new year resolution, it would be not to take things for granted, but to admire the beauty around me, to remember to smile upon God's creation, to enjoy God's presence through such wonder.