The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty. Let all the earth ReJoiCe! :)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Starry, starry night...

I have never seen the night sky so gorgeous in my part of the world. It truly is a wonderful night. The air crisp. Fresh. Gentle-blowing breeze. I could not stop looking at the sky. The sky was as velvety blue as can be, cloudless, FULL of stars.

It is the first time I've looked up at the sky and have not been able to find Orion's Belt at once because there were so many other stars scattered around that this once stark feature now paled in comparison to the others that surrounded it. The sight was truly awesome.

I stopped walking for a bit, looked into the sky again. As I carried on walking, as slow as I could, I had my eyes fixed on the sky. Even when I stepped into my front gate, I couldn't help but take a few steps back again to look once more at the wonderful sight.

They reminded me of that day. That beautiful day that ironically washes a sense of melancholy over me. At the same time, Lord, as I look up into the sky, I marvel at Your creation. The intricacies Your handiwork, of life. And I know that beautiful days are made, every day.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Been lazy.

Yeah. Have been tremendously lazy in updating my blog. What on earth have I been busy with? Just meeting people, which I must say can sometimes be tiring...Good friends of course are much easier, because you don't have to talk incessantly to fill up those gaps. But sometimes good friends also know you so well and ask such pointed questions that make you think till your brains fry. Have also been packing my room. Or trying to. At least getting rid of stuff. Whoa man. The pains of moving out. Yet I'm excited. So for now, it's just throw throw throw!! Ah. What a haphazard entry. But don't quite like not being in the comforts of my room, not being able to type on the soft keys of my laptop keyboard. My lappy's keyboard went wonky, so awaiting a replacement. Till then, my entries shall be so. Short. Not quite sweet. But oh wells.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Interesting Experience.

I love meeting people. I've always felt that non-Singaporeans have a special place in my heart. Haha. I wonder why. But I guess it's just that most of them I've met have been more chilled out, less in a hurry and have more time to just stop to talk. A lot of them are very warm and sincere people. Of course, these are generalisations. I just appreciate different nationalities a great deal.

Meeting that Aussie bloke was the Interesting Experience. I finally understood the meaning of Global Citizen when I met him. He's hardly in any place for half a year. His main mode of transport is probably the airplane. He has meals in hotels. But wow. Pretty amazing life. Just glad that he enjoys it I guess.

Rich, yet humble. Great responsibilities, yet values. Yet, yet, yet. I wonder. Are there any moments in his life he feels a strange sense of loss? Would he feel a sense of belonging in the countries he frequents, would he feel as though he didn't belong anywhere, or would he simply not have the time to worry about nationality issues? Would there be more to life than working hard at his job, or would he get to experience more fulfilling relationships, even one with the Lord God?

Just made me think a lot. Hmmm. But it certainly was an interesting night.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Over and out.

Yes. The dreaded exams are finally over. And it feels almost surreal. A very interesting experience, the entire process.

Firstly, thanks be to God, through and through. I've had an amazing time with the most amazing friends, just studying and keeping each other in prayer and reminding each other of God's peace that passes all understanding, that is readily available for us.

And I really felt the power of prayer throughout this entire process. It is really not about the not studying and then sitting for the exams knowing that God is with me. It is also not the other extreme where I finish studying every single bit of the content and am confident that God will hence give me good results.

Nothing of that sort.

It's just that the specific prayers that we prayed for each other, about our time for studying being maximised, or that we have an alert mind during the exam, or that we will understand the question and write to the point, or that God's presence will hover about us, or whatever it was that we prayed...There was this strong assurance of God's presence, that He is involved in the littlest details of our lives. Wow!

And thank you my dearest friends. The McCafe and McDonalds and Coffee Bean days are very much appreciated. :)

But now that the exams are over, I am feeling quite out of sorts. Need to get the act together.