I've been settling down in the cosyness and warmth of my aunt and uncle's (and my cousin's of course). They are once again, hopsitable to the max, feeding me with the best food and making sure I'm warm and well-entertained.
I was walking around Downtown Toronto myself today, and just recapping all of my traveling memories, how much I miss each of my traveling buddies. They know who they are. Like when I went to the Royal Ontario Museum and saw a really cool mummy display. I was immediately reminded of the person who was oh-so-excited about mummies and wished I could share the experience with the person. And there was a massive display of arms and armour, which brought me to think of someone else. And when the flurries came down and the beautiful snowflakes fell onto my mitt, I could not help but wish they were there to share my joy with me. And of course, how could I not help but smile when I saw the ice-skaters on the rink at City Hall? I was so tempted to relive the moment from Chicago, but decided against it for two reasons - one, that it was not going to be the same without my travel buds and two, erm, well, there were no railings! Haha!
Whatever it is, it's strange. I miss them already. Life goes on I guess, unfortunately. But there is hope yet. As I was buying tickets to the ROM (that is the Royal Ontario Museum for you, not Singapore's Registry of Marriages!!), upon finding out I was from Singapore, the lady said she had met a friend from Singapore in her first year of university whom she still keeps in touch with.
I resolve to do that, no matter how busy I am. And I shall keep each one in prayer, just as how dear Farell touched my heart when he said he'll keep me in prayer, because that is the best way to remember someone by.
Coming back to Singapore soon...Christmas time!!